So I've decided to try something out, by making the .rns files for my songs She and Fateful Night available.
Note that I said ".rns". Not ".rps".
What does that minor distinction mean? It means you get to modify/adjust the song to your liking (if you have Reason 4, that is) and find out just what makes my music tick.
Why am I doing this? Because I haven't seen anyone else do anything like this before, ever. So it could help you, and it could help me if you point out glaring flaws in my technique.
Now, both She and Fateful Night were written in Reason 3, so when they got imported into Reason 4, the notation/grouping/automation got a little weirded up, without affecting the sound of the song. So don't worry about little strange blips like that in the sequencer.
Oh, and by the way, Fateful Night's newly uploaded to NG. Rate n' review. :D
By the by, is currently under construction, and you'll see it soon.
Where's the techno I promised you? It's called Sierra 16, and it's on it's way. I will also make the .flp available for that song. :D
Anything else I missed with this newspost? I don't think so... so here's the .rns's!
And here's some .mid's for those without Reason!
I see fractal art on teh site! :D
It was intended to be the index page, but I've come up with something better :D