View Profile SolusLunes

262 Audio Reviews

201 w/ Responses


I've come to two conclusions.

Firstly, I hate you.

Second, the Nyran-Online guys have got to be lucky to have you on the project- guarantee they won't have any music issues.

An awesome piece that is to be expected... however, what kind of scene was this written for? A cinematic? Then, perfect. If it's one of the themes of the game, like one of the ones that plays as you're playing the game in the middle of a town, it has a few minor problems.

Notably, the fact, that you're too used to "epic" composition, and that this song has a very nice, smooth flow. However. The low strings, for example, in a few places give this song a sound that one might not find exactly desirable for the placement- like I said, possibly "too epic." I never thought that I would find that to be a problem with any of your songs.

I suppose what I'm trying to say is that this song sounds torn between two directions- epic music for movies, and a slow, calming town theme. It's good at both, however, excels at neither. You need a little bit of work on the non-epic pieces- from what I can tell by your history of works, your epic pieces are right on, the writing is impeccable. However. Your non-epic pieces suffer from slight instrumentation choice problems and a few small writing problems.

However, as always, one of your saving graces is the amazing sound quality your massive sample banks avail you to- but the writing needs just a wee bit of work.

I'm sure you'll manage to bring this style up to the level of awesomeness that I've come to expect from you.

MaestroRage responds:

MaestroRage: Why don't you ever call? :'(

Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you with the low strings. I quite liked them. They gave it a warm fuzzly feeling to me. But I guess that's all in a matter of another's opinion. Like they say, opinions are like butts: everyone has one, and they all stink.

Thank you very much for at least liking some parts though! =3 We appreciate your honesty and will work harder next time!
With love,
Lady Arsenic <3

MaestroRage: Gawd I hate you...

Why am I not surprised?

SBB, the master of ambience himself, cranking out another top-notch professional, "glossy" track.

The pads are nice, but what gives them that "touch", that last bit that pushes them over the edge, is the water dripping. The high-pitched lead is okay, the writing for it is awesome. However, the sound itself just doesn't have the same kind of gloss on it all of the others do... how much reverb did you put on the saw? Maybe a little delay would help, or some automated filtering. I think the main problem with it is that it clashes with the white noise effect you've got going there.

The piano is nice (I must know where you got those samples), the drums are perfect for their part. The bells and delayed synth that you've got started around 3:00/3:15 work really, really well. They should be brought out more throughout the song.

The song is masterful, the wind effect is nice.

There is just one major nagging problem- the saw does not meld well with the white noise- either you put it in intentionally or the saw's creating some white noise of its own- but all the same, it seriously is grating.

There! A full-length review breakdown for you! Hell, I think it's even worth a McGreatBurger.



Rig responds:


Since you asked...

It's chill.

Chillfully awesome.

Like a McSmoothie. Now I'll have to break out my copy of Wusik and see what it can do...


Rig responds:


Hehehe. Old school. Teh rock.

Of course, the sound quality isn't awesome- it wasn't meant to be. The song's perfect for that.

The guitar is skillfully played- your friend has solid guitar skills.

The repetitive 8-bitty sound in the background, while it fits, could deal with a tiny bit more variation.

Could be a bossbattle. No, I take it back. Totally would be a boss battle.

A bit of panning effects would be nice instead of having everything centered though.

My two cents, and thanks for the review you left me earlier. :D

midimachine responds:

The guitar is double-tracked and panned hard left and right, but I think you're correct in saying that the stereo imaging is a bit bland. Thank you :)


Like the way it starts, slightly menacing, but the percussion it goes into doesn't seem quite right. It would have been awesome had it gone into a little glitchy drums- pauses for the piano, and then goes full blast after the piano where the pad comes back in.

IDM is never a bad idea. :D

Nice synth at the end there.

All in all, it's a fairly solid song. Nothing really stands out, but it ain't bad.

FIVED 8/10'd.

WritersBlock responds:

Thank yee. Yeah, I know there's nothing outstanding here, I should try and fix that, if I'm not too lazy, lol. The drums worked their way into something stronger before I decided to ditch the second half, so that screwed it up a bit, so yeah, I might mess about with the drums a bit.

Thx for the 5. Still below 3 though >:(
Ur voting power is ghey!


Maestro be trying to be getting it on...

You can do it! :D ALL NIGHT LONG!



MaestroRage responds:


She lives 1000 miles south of me, so technically you're closer to me, and so venturing out to kick your sorry ass is an easier task >:}

Rule 10 foo, rule 10!


Though nothing sounds quite as good as the transition from mine into Rig's.

I hit him a real easy one :p


Well, since you wanted a review...

I'll tell you the first thing that stuck in my head after listening to the song.

at 2:30 with the slowly crescendoing lead (masterfully done) with the ping-pong delayed hats (also awesome) the bass that pops in for a second, then comes out, pops back in was a very nice touch.

And then back to the Four on the Floor beat, which works extremely well for this sort of thing.

With the main synth at 3:40 starting to play two leads, or they're close to the same synth anyways, they sound to be a bit out of tune with each other. This could be easily remedied by slightly changing one of the synths. It would sound awesome from what I can hear with the notes, but the synths hold too many competing harmonics.

The slow fade-in fade-out works perfectly for a dj-style club track.

The mastering is excellently done, nothing peaks nor is the bass section of the song extremely muddly.

Since this song is extremely awesome in all ways, why did it get a 9?

Because if I go to a club, the DJ won't miss a beat by playing this, and everybody will rock out to it. However. It's just not going to be the one that I'll be humming to myself for days afterwards...


Seriously. There are quite a few parts that would sound even better with that addition- namely the already awesome breakdown at 2:30. I know you set yourself a deadline, but a little extension of it for that would be awesome. :D

Speaking of awesome. This track is McAwesome, fived, and downloaded.

Note to self: Check out other songs by Imn. Masterclass skill. :D

Imn responds:

Yay, thanks for checking it out! I feel honored to have had you review one of my tracks.

The pad starting at 3:40 does not sound out of tune to me, honestly. I don't know if I will try the remedy for the problem which you have brought to my attention, but it will be considered.

As for the vocoded vocals, I think it would be worth trying. If you have any ideas as to how something like that should go for this track, please let me know; I'm not too experienced with that kind of stuff. =P

Thank you very much for the review. Glad you enjoyed the McAwesome track!

RIG >:(



The panflutes in the beginning with the rainforest sounds, very nice beginning, set the atmosphere perfectly.

Followed by the guitar, with the slowly entering low orchestra... smooth, clear, and astounding. Those strings seem to slowly gain power... and...

Pipes. God, I loves the pipes. You implement them so well.

Please tell me there's going to be a choir coming on...

oh, and there it is. Damn, I'm psychic.

Can't guess the next one... and everything drops out to add this one beautiful voice. Classy doesn't even begin to describe it. As everything coalesces back together, the viewpoint seems to zoom out from the rainforest this song started out with, and comes to the earth with the sun rising over the sphere.

Sunrise from space, few things are as beautiful.

And with the addition of a very well placed cymbal crash, the whole picture comes together, and the world is flooded with light.

Majestic, to say the least. Anything else would be selling you short.

And the final closing moments, a nice addition of a snare.

oh, rig... the ending, rig... not exactly how I expected it to end. Kind of strange. Didn't feel to me to be the best fit... The only problem is those last few notes!

If you're going to end it like that, I don't know what to say. The kind of thing I think you were trying to go for was one of those dramatic "immediate black screen" things, like they have in some movies, where they immediately cut to black and the credits.

All it needs to do is end as the same tone as the first tone you were doing the stabs in, before it changes pitch at 5:48. A few extra stabs to even out the ending.

But if that's my biggest complaint, Rig, you've not got jack shit to worry about.

Fifen't, Ten't, and McGodlyBurger't.

Rig responds:

I'm not worthy! D:

Thanks for the awesome review, man. And thanks for the burger! Man, I sure am hungry for burgers right now. You ARE psychic.
The ending isn't my best, I know...I kinda threw it in there. But I DO like the suspense in the last chord, it kinda leaves you looking for more. Which is why this song is called Genesis - it's the beginning of something epic, and it's up to you to finish the rest. lol
In any case, thanks for everything. I apologize for not being able to give you as exquisite a response as your review. I'm pathetic...haha
No, :(
lol jk


You're awesome :D

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Istre b'Estorr @SolusLunes

Age 36, Female


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